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First, let me commend you on your sterling work. Your tool is complete enough to use as my modeling tool for for my own Master's work and for teaching and using UML. For a one-man show, this is very impressive. There's not much that I want to do that I would need the (much) more expensive tools over this one.

I was wondering if you'd consider changing the DFD tool over to Gane & Sarsen notation. It is the more commonly used notation, in my opinion.

I also noticed that while the idea of stereotypes is pretty much a UML notion, they are also potentially very useful in non-UML modeling. I had occation to desire to use stereotypes in a DFD, and while the tool lets me specify them, they don't appear.

Once again, thank you for your very good work

Basil Burgess 25 August 2011 14:14:08

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