It's there and the timestamp is correct:
<ribbon><quickAccessBar><item name="Save" /><item name="Undo" /><item name="Redo" /><item name="ReverseRelationship" /></quickAccessBar></ribbon>
The first problem is that I had about a half-dozen items in the bar when I saved/quit.
Second, when I restart, the only things that are there are the built-ins: save, undo, redo.
Reply To: Ribbon.xml
It's there and the timestamp is correct:
<ribbon><quickAccessBar><item name="Save" /><item name="Undo" /><item name="Redo" /><item name="ReverseRelationship" /></quickAccessBar></ribbon>
The first problem is that I had about a half-dozen items in the bar when I saved/quit.
Second, when I restart, the only things that are there are the built-ins: save, undo, redo.
Leon Carson 23 April 2018 21:51:09