From ditectly without opening the properties page:
Only about the first 23 characters are displayed for editing
From within the properties page:
Selecting part of an operation name and selecting RightMouseClick Copy then paste into another field pastes the entire record rather than the selected text
If a function and its parameters are longer than the parameters are longer than 23 characters then the remainder is pushed into the type field and the original type filed is overwritten
Reply To: Editing Class Attributes and operations
From ditectly without opening the properties page:
Only about the first 23 characters are displayed for editing
From within the properties page:
Selecting part of an operation name and selecting RightMouseClick Copy then paste into another field pastes the entire record rather than the selected text
If a function and its parameters are longer than the parameters are longer than 23 characters then the remainder is pushed into the type field and the original type filed is overwritten
Stuart Masters 1 February 2010 8:59:44