Milestones and Roadmap Diagram


Is there a way to extend the milestones beyond the range of the Roadmap diagram? Maybe with a circle or triangle at the end? Of course I can manually draw such an object, but it is not fixed in regard to reformatting the calender / diagram. That seems to be my real (and possibly rather basic) question: how to modify, enhance, connect and draw milestones so, that they move with the time axis while resizing the roadmap?

What do you think of milestones that work for only one of many partitions (may be nonsense in regard to the intention of the diagram)?

Is there a way to modify the automatic label of the roadmap (e.g. "CW nn" for "Calendar Week No. nn" without the year, or change the Order to "Year.Month")?

11 July 2024 0:02:31 Wolfgang Guth

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Dusan Rodina - 11 July 2024 22:09:47


Thank you for your interesting suggestion regarding the roadmap diagram. The format for the period and extended milestones will be implemented in the next version. We will further analyze the milestones for some partitions and review them accordingly (it may be also part of the next version).

Wolfgang 12 July 2024 18:08:25

RE: -

Yet another suggestion re time axis:

How about multi-line labels? For Example


| 2024 |


| Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q1 | Q2 | ....




All of this of course with different units and notations :-)

Wolfgang 12 July 2024 18:09:52

RE: RE: -

Sorry, I didn't get the spaces right, but I hope my intention is clear enough to understand

Dusan Rodina - 23 July 2024 15:53:11


Wolfgang 24 July 2024 13:30:57

RE: -

Thank you for the very valuable enhancement. I've sent an e-mail with more details and screenshots