24 March 2013 0:00:00

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Leslie de Groot 12 December 2012 3:22:51

Frames in a state diagram

How can i draw frames in a State Diagram.

Example: http://www.uml-diagrams.org/notation/behavioral-state-machine-frame.png

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 12 December 2012 4:32:32

RE: Frames in a state diagram

Software Ideas Modeler doesn't display frames around diagrams. I will add this option in one of next versions.

However, if you want to draw it now, you can do it this way:

1. Create Sequence diagram

2. Insert Frame

3. Double-click on frame (or right-click and choose Properties)

4. Open Frame tab

5. Rename type to State machine

6. Confirm dialog using OK button

7. Copy Frame (Ctrl+C) from sequence diagram

8. Paste Frame (Ctrl+V) into your state machine diagram

9. Now, you can delete the sequence diagram created in the first step

Leslie de Groot 17 December 2012 2:24:23

RE: RE: Frames in a state diagram

Thanx for the tip :D

manspecs 23 July 2011 16:59:43



The State ID does not refresh to 00 when a new state machine diagram created.

When transferred into documentation the State not properly listed according to the ascending order.

Simple but still great software.

Thank you.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 24 July 2011 14:18:25

RE: Evaluate


thank you for useful suggestions. I will incorporate them in version 5.

Angelina 11 April 2011 4:04:26

State diagram - How to modify the transition lines

Hi Dusan,

I want to draw 1 state which has 2 transition lines returning to itself. Your software automatically draws the second transition line over the first one. Unfortunately, I can't separate the two state transition lines completely from one another, or modify the line form (for e.g. as a half-circle). Do you have a suggestion on the work around?

Thanks in advanced!


Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 11 April 2011 4:28:21

RE: State diagram - How to modify the transition l


I'll improve it as soon as possible. Thank you for notice.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 18 April 2011 16:40:05

RE: RE: State diagram - How to modify the transiti

As I promised, I fixed the reported problem - in version 4.95.

Alex 3 November 2011 9:06:26

RE: RE: RE: State diagram - How to modify the tran

In 4.102 I still have the same (or simular) problem.

It can be reproduced as follows:

Draw State A and State B.

Draw a transition from A to B

The draw a second transition from B to A.

The second transition is place at the same place as the first transition, so it looks line one line. I want two seperate lines.

Is this a bug or do I use the application wrong? (How so I get two seperate lines?)

Best regards,


Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 3 November 2011 11:55:28

RE: RE: RE: RE: State diagram - How to modify the

You can do it this way: http://youtu.be/g70AqMIcDo0

Alex 4 November 2011 0:37:06

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: State diagram - How to modify

Thank you very much for your quick response. It works now! The movie is a very good explanation.

Best regards,
