Class Diagram

UML diagram, which describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, and the relationships among the classes.


Neutrino 7 March 2013 3:20:47

Copy diagram

How do you create a new diagram in a project as a copy of an existing diagram?

Dusan Rodina - 7 March 2013 3:42:52

RE: Copy diagram

It is not currently possible in a single step, but you can accomplish it this way:

1. Select all elements in diagram you want to copy (Edit/Select all or CTRL+A)

2. Create a new empty diagram of the same type

3. Paste copied elements (CTRL+V)

4. Choose whether you want create unbound independent copy (the first option - Paste as an independent copy) or you want share model of pasted elements with original elements (the second option - Paste as a new instance of the original model element).

5. Confirm your choice using OK button - you have a copy of diagram, now.

I hope I helped you.

P.S. In one of next versions I can add special feature for copying of diagrams.

Neutrino 7 March 2013 9:07:44

RE: RE: Copy diagram

Ok thanks for that. If it could be added it would be very useful. Would you like me to add a feature request?

Dusan Rodina - 7 March 2013 9:11:25

RE: RE: RE: Copy diagram

If you want you can, but it is not necessary. I added your request to my task list.

Neutrino 7 January 2013 9:43:09

Suppress Attribute and Operation boxes

Is it possible to configure the diagram to automatically suppress the display of attribute and operation areas of newly added classes? They don't even have operations or attributes at this stage and in many cases I'm not interested in modelling them. It really slows down the workflow to have to manually remove them for every entity added to a class diagram.

Dusan Rodina - 7 January 2013 15:10:35

RE: Suppress Attribute and Operation boxes

Currently, it is not possible. I will improve it in the one of next releases.

However, there is a fast way how to do it now - firstly create the whole diagram, then select some class and press CTRL-T (Edit/Select All of Same Type), then you can suppress attribute and operation areas for all classes at once.

usman 20 July 2012 0:23:06

a simple example of linked list DS

I want to see a simple Linked List DS ,to see how I can handle pointers it it , basically I have ideas of datastructures and want to generate code of it

Andre 9 May 2012 12:33:07

Association Classes

Hello, How can i model an association class?

Dusan Rodina - 9 May 2012 15:49:55

RE: Association Classes


it's possible this way:

1. Create two classes

2. Add association between them

3. Select association

4. Click on Add association class in context bar, which is displayed below the selected association

Andre 10 May 2012 11:53:28

RE: RE: Association Classes

thanks a lot

Peter 14 December 2011 6:38:03

Multiplicity of attributes

I could not find multiplicities of attributes, as you can see here the "1" in [] after heap.

Dusan Rodina - 14 December 2011 14:58:10

RE: Multiplicity of attributes

It is not yet supported. I will add it in version 5.0. The code will be completed this year - I'm planning the release for January 9th, 2012.

flexJoly 5 October 2011 2:32:22

Default visibility not working & shortkeys


We are trying this tool. It looks nice.

I have set the default visibility to protected. But all items in a classdiagram are set to private.

Could this be solved?

Are there any shortkeys for making a diagram. This would be very handy:

- repeat latest class

- repeat latest connector

Greetz, Joly

Dusan Rodina - 5 October 2011 13:50:49

RE: Default visibility not working & shortkeys


the default visibility setting has not retroactive effect. It is applied only on newly created items. I could add a command for "batch" change of visibilities.

Thank you for these tips. I'll add key shortcuts for diagrams and also repeat-options in the next major version (5), which should be released soon - I'll finish it within few weeks - certainly this year.

TJ 7 September 2011 12:49:28

Connecting Generalization LInes

How do you make the lines connect like in the picture for the subclasses

Dusan Rodina - 7 September 2011 13:41:43

RE: Connecting Generalization LInes

You can make it this way:

I will try to make it easier in future versions.

denkir 11 August 2011 7:04:47

reverse engineering

Dušan,do you plan to include the reverse engineering capability (C++ to UML) in your software?

Dusan Rodina - 11 August 2011 14:18:57

RE: reverse engineering

Yes, I plan it. Maybe it will be not in the first release of version 5, but I suppose that this feature appears in one of its minor versions (5.x).

denkir 5 August 2011 6:01:29


Dušan, I have the following problem. When I open my preliminarily saved class diagram the relations lines & arrows ("use" stereotype) somewhat dislocated. That greatly clutters the plot. Is there any way to fix them? Thank you for your job.

Dusan Rodina - 5 August 2011 12:20:22

RE: relationship

Were the ends of the relationship properly connected with classes before saving? When the end points are disconnected, they will be connected back after loading. I will change this behavior in the next version - the relation will be adjusted immediately after completing the dragging.

denkir 6 August 2011 10:11:04

RE: RE: relationship

Yes, they were! The problem is that, I have several classes which use the other

class. I connect them by the dependency relation. I put together all the arrows

as if there's only one arrow. That approach orders the diagram. But when I open

my diagram all the arrows don't lie upon the initial arrow. Although the relation

isn't broken between classes...

Dusan Rodina - 11 August 2011 14:13:18

RE: RE: RE: relationship

In the next release, I'll implement a improvement, which should avoid this problem.

denkir 28 June 2011 6:39:37


Dušan, great job!

How can I get the generated C++ code with #include instruction?

I use a Class Diagram. For example I have 2 classes. What type of connection should I use between 2 classes?

Dusan Rodina - 28 June 2011 12:39:14

RE: #include

Thank you.

Unfortunately, generation of #include is not you supported. Possibilities of source code generator will be enhanced in the next major version 5.

Vicki 24 May 2011 13:08:39

I love SIM :-) Is there any way to remove visibility in the classes?

My lecturer has just pinged me for having + and - in my diagram :-)

Dusan Rodina - 24 May 2011 14:05:01



Unfortunately, it isn't yet possible. However, I can add this option in the next release.

Dusan Rodina - 13 June 2011 15:14:41


Option for showing/hiding the visibility was added in the new version 4.97.

Puah Hock Leng 19 May 2011 20:17:39

Generate properties

Thanks for this user friendly software. May I know if we are able to add properties instead of public field?

Dusan Rodina - 21 May 2011 12:57:05

RE: Generate properties

You are welcome.

It is not yet possible, but I plan to add this possibility in version 5.

Mostafa Karkache 26 October 2010 21:44:03

Creating a class diagram from a schema

First, thank you very much for allowing us to use this great software. Excellent job guys!!

I was wondering if there is a way to import the data and relations from a schema or from a text based file to create the appropriate class diagram. As of now, i am copying and pacing the attribute into each class !! and it is a tedious process :)

Thank you all

Dusan Rodina - 28 October 2010 1:28:45

RE: Creating a class diagram from a schema

In the current version, the model can be imported only from database - MS SQL, assemblies - .NET Framework (menu Tools > Reverse Engineering) and XMI files (menu File > Import). Other sources for import will be added in further versions of SIM.

pop 15 October 2010 18:33:43

add associatiion class

first thank you for this great software

I have question how to add association class


Dusan Rodina - 15 October 2010 23:35:45

RE: add associatiion class

You're welcome.

It can be done in several steps:

1. Insert two classes

2. Add association between them

3. Insert new class - this will be the association class

4. Add the association between the association and the association class

The result doesn't fully conform to UML specification and therefore it will be improved in version 4.20.

EDIT: In version 4.15, it is possible to do easier:

1. Insert two classes

2. Add association between them

3. Click on Add Association Class in the context bar below the association.

Stephan 27 September 2010 20:59:35

Code Generation for class relations

Hello Dušan,

first of all: Great piece of software - very usable so far!

One little improvement request: Can you generate code for associations, aggregations and compositions.

Note: A very good implementation for such code generation (inclusive a very good comments section generation) is provided by FUJABA (I use 4.3.2, provided at (If you want I can provide you with a code sample here)

Thank you for your answer.

Stephan 28 September 2010 11:08:09

Addtional info for Code Generation for class relat

Hello Dušan,

in addition to my last mail here is the (beautiful) sample code from FUJABA:

public class Client



* <pre>

* 0..1 is connected to 0..*

* Client ------------------------------- Server

* myClient myServer

* </pre>


private FHashSet myServer;

public boolean addToMyServer(Server value) {...}

public boolean hasInMyServer(Server value) {...}

public Iterator iteratorOfMyServer() {...}

public void removeAllFromMyServer() {...}

public boolean removeFromMyServer(Server value) {...}

public int sizeOfMyServer() {...}

public void removeYou() {...}


Dusan Rodina - 15 October 2010 23:22:42

RE: Addtional info for Code Generation for class r


sorry that I responded so late. Thank you for interesting tips.

Code generation will be improved even more with next versions of SIM.

Thank you 20 October 2010 11:52:02

RE: RE: Addtional info for Code Generation for cla

Thank you for your reply. The reason behind my inquiry was the use of your tool for teaching object oriented software construction.

Usually I take FUJABA for that issue and it would be very helpful to use your tool (because more and more participants of the classes are using C#)...

So I will track the future development.

Happy days!

Rob G 23 August 2010 15:21:27

Name of the Namespace


Great piece of software - keep up the good work! :)

One question, if I may... when generating VB.NET code, the generated code starts with "Namespace Default". How do you give a name to the Namespace?

I have tried creating a Package, and placing the Classes within the Package, and it doesn't affect the naming.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Dusan Rodina - 25 August 2010 1:06:04

RE: Name of the Namespace


thank you :)

Version 3.x has not defined namespaces for diagram elements, that's why source code generator generates classes in Default namespace. Version 4.0 will solve this problem.

TheArchitect 12 July 2010 15:01:20

Code generation


When i generate the C# code for my class diagram the generalizations are not generated

is there a way to do this?

Dusan Rodina - 12 July 2010 23:07:28

RE: Code generation


there was a little problem in version 3.35, which caused that generalizations were included in generated code only after saving and loading project. Now, it is correct in version 3.36, which is available for download.

Richard 9 July 2010 11:57:50

Rearrange Fields


I'm tring to insert a new attribute or a methode in the list of existing ones, or move them on an other place in the list but I can't. Can I do this moves some how?

Thanks, Richard.

Dusan Rodina - 9 July 2010 13:04:45

RE: Rearrange Fields

It is possible using Fast Editor in the right side bar.

1.) Use CTRL+X to cut the selected line (with attribute or operation)

2.) Move the cursor to the new position, press ENTER key and then CTRL+V to insert the attribute/operation from the clipboard

Version 4.0 will have better options for moving attributes and operations.

Richard 13 July 2010 8:52:44

RE: RE: Rearrange Fields

Thank you for your help!

BR.: Richard

PS.: I'm realy realy excited about the new version!

Donna 22 June 2010 20:29:18

Cannot draw associations

I am having difficulty in drawing the associated lines from class to class. Had the same issue with the Sequence Digram. Any suggestions.

Dusan Rodina - 25 June 2010 2:00:13

RE: Cannot draw associations

You can insert the association this way:

1) Select association tool in the left toolbox

2) Move to the one class

3) Press and hold the left mouse button

4) Move to the second class and release the button

Andy Smout 11 June 2010 17:16:35

Unexpected duplicate classes

When I add the same class to several diagrams, I seem to end up with multiple copies of the class in the model. Is this expected?

Is there a way to add a class that appears on muliple diagrams so that this does not happen?

Dusan Rodina - 15 June 2010 22:18:43

RE: Unexpected duplicate classes

If you use Copy&Paste, it is expected. You can use a class in several diagrams, when you drag it from tree in Project tab (in the right side bar) and drop it to the other diagram.

I will add this feature also for paste (as a new option) in version 4.0.

Iliana 21 May 2010 8:39:43

code generation

what about code generation? i cant do it... it written only this :

namespace Default



Dusan Rodina - 21 May 2010 22:00:03

RE: code generation

Source code is generated only from selected elements. You can use CTRL+A to select all elements in the diagram.

Iliana 20 May 2010 20:35:25

how create diagram

i want to ask... i create E/R diagram, and now i want to generate a class diagram, but i dont find this function? it doesn work???

Dusan Rodina - 20 May 2010 21:37:47

RE: how create diagram

Unfortunately, current version (3.28) has not this function. Only the generation of E/R diagram from Class diagram is currently available. It will be implemented in one of next versions.

Max 29 April 2010 8:39:05


I create class diagram, put some classes on it and create association of those classes.

Then I create another class diagram and drag classes from first diagram on it. Is works but class associations on new diagram does not shown.

Is there a way to show on class diagram classes associations defined on another class diagrams?

Dusan Rodina - 29 April 2010 8:51:48


Hi, in the current version 3.26, it is not possible. New version 4.0 allows add associations from another diagram. Unfortunately, there is only alpha version of 4.0. I work on it.

Mike 21 April 2010 16:35:01

Can't mark attribute as static

There doesn't appear to be a way to mark an attribute (or method) as static.

The text of static members and methods should be underlined. I really like the fast editor, and would like to be able to simply mark the member as:


to show it as private static.

Dusan Rodina - 21 April 2010 17:44:29

RE: Can't mark attribute as static

Thank you for the suggestion. I will certainly add this feature.

Tomas Sandkvist 20 April 2010 13:11:37

Interface lollipop??

Hi, great tool just started and also learning UML. Can't figure out how to add interface lollipops where using predefined interfaces, typically from .NET. Am I missing something or is the lollipop missing currently?


Tomas Sandkvist


Dusan Rodina - 20 April 2010 14:46:34

RE: Interface lollipop??


in the version 3.24, it was available only in the component diagram and mixed diagram. Currently, in the version 3.25, this type of interface is available from context bar - button 'Add Interface'.

Lunanoko 2 March 2010 22:41:35

Parameters disappearing

Everytime I add parameters to my operations, they disappear when i press the Ok button. This way I am unable to add any parameters. Is there any workaround for this?

Dusan Rodina - 2 March 2010 23:59:08

RE: Parameters disappearing

Do you use the latest version (3.11) of Software Ideas Modeler?

Stefano 4 February 2010 10:53:04


Hello I'm using the software to model class and object diagrams. I very much like it!

Just a question: how can I create the enumeration element without the types? I mean, enumeration should be just a list of values, without specifing their type for each one of them, as they were class attributes

thank you!

Dusan Rodina - 4 February 2010 11:30:48

RE: enumeration


in current version, there is only one way how to do it - leaving the type field blank. There is still the colon symbol in the end of line. This will be resolved in the next version, which comes out next week.

Stefano 4 February 2010 11:33:36

RE: RE: enumeration

Thank you very much!

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