Improved Style Set Editor and Fixes - Software Ideas Modeler 12.48
The new version of Software Ideas Modeler improves Style Set Editor, adds support for .NET Core project format in source code reverse engineering and fixes a lot of issues.

Software Ideas Modeler 12.48
New Features and Improvements
- New non-modal style set editor [RQ#1608]
- Style Preview is refreshed when changing style properties
- Improved style previews in lists, galleries, and panels to include rounding modifier
- Added support for .NET Core projects in Source Code Reverse Engineering dialog [RQ#1631]
- Setting a style set to project may be undone
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed incorrect loading of attributes of UML Information Item and UML Artifact
- Fixed application crash when resizing UI Smartphone element to very small size
- Fixed application crash when unauthorized access occurs during documentation generation
- Fixed moving connected UML Lifelines using arrow keys
- Fixed attaching the loose end of UML Found and Lost Messages after moving it
- Fixed corrupted layout of connected lifelines after moving it fast in a group
- Fixed loading changes after activating Element Browser when it is popped out in a separated window
- Fixed connecting containment relationships in imported package diagrams (Source Code Reverse Engineering)
- Fixed application crash when trying to import source codes from an unsupported project file
- Fixed application crash when confirming diagram choice dialog without choosing a diagram for UML Interaction Use
- Fixed non-working shortcut keys for z-order (CTRL+Page Up/Down)
- Fixed removing an element from its container
- Fixed diagram element references of model elements after redoing undone new elements
- Fixed deleting an element from the repository when it is not used on any diagram but it is referenced as a field
- Fixed incorrect pasting of rows into the Properties editor grid when the grid is empty
- Fixed connecting relationship when converting UML class diagram to ER diagram and vice versa
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