GIT Support, JavaScript to Diagram, Symbols and More Settings with Software Ideas Modeler 12.60
Software Ideas Modeler 12.60 introduces GIT support, JavaScript code reverse engineering, Symbols sidebar and more settings for the diagram editor. You may also add links and associated diagrams to attributes, operations and enumeration items now. The new version brings a lot of other small improvements and fixes.

Software Ideas Modeler 12.60 - GIT, symbols, link from an attribute to a diagram
New Features and Improvements
- Added GIT support [RQ#277]
- Added JavaScript source code parsing support
- Added a new sidebar Symbols [RQ#1636]
- Added support for associated diagrams to Attributes, Operations and Enumeration Items [RQ#1604]
- Added support for links to Attributes, Operations and Enumeration Items
- Added clickable link for an associated diagram of attribute/operation/enumeration item
- Stereotypes tab in Attribute and Operation Editor dialog changed to Stereotype drop-down editor
- Improved list of design patterns in the sidebar
- Inserting design patterns using drag&drop to the desired position in the diagram
- Editing UML Association Role visibility directly in the diagram
- Added support for UML Enumeration editing to Fast Editor
- UI Paragraph supports Proportion Modifier style setting
- Added specific icons for Aggregation and Composition to the context menu
- Improved responsiveness when adjusting settings on the Print page
- Remembering print settings per project
- Parsing operation and operation parameter annotations to tagged values (Source Code Reverse Engineering)
- Added diagram setting: Enable/disable hops
- Zoom, vertical and horizontal scroll may be configured for default mouse wheel or mouse wheel with modifier keys
- Added a setting for ENTER key action in diagram inline editor - default, confirmation, new line [RQ#1639]
Bug Reports
- Fixed application crash when editing some relationship roles
- Fixed incorrect text rendering at some zoom levels
- Fixed application crash when inserting an instance of design pattern with missing roles
- Fixed application crash when dropping the parent diagram of a UI Smartphone element to the UI Smartphone
- Fixed highlighting found text in BPMN elements
- Fixed placing relationship end in auto side mode in specific situations
- Fixed GDI object leaks which caused gradual slow down of application and possible crash after longer running time
- Fixed layout for UI WebBrowser for bigger padding values
- Fixed application crash when trying to choose a project-defined documentation template for documentation generation
- Fixed application crash when trying to open a project from a file of another format
- Fixed broken layout after moving UI Window with nested elements
- Fixed adjusting layout of sequence diagram with a create message lifeline
- Fixed omitting element without a role from the design pattern
- Fixed container nesting in design patterns
- Fixed application crash when pressing down key in the Custom Diagrams group in the new diagram menu
- Fixed application crash when trying to edit tagged values of a project folder
- Fixed application crash after multiple undos/redos of field removing
- Fixed loading not defined default line style for diagram as oblique instead of the default
- Fixed print settings panel layout
- Fixed application crash when parsing property without body from VB.NET source code
- Fixed missing keywords in C# syntax highlight - event, delegate, lock
- Fixed application crash when setting a negative number as font size
- Fixed applying draw hops settings in the diagram editor
- Fixed undoing enumeration item change from the Properties dialog
- Fixed inaccessible diagram tabs when opening project from system file manager (e.g. Windows Explorer)
- Fixed undo for association moving
- Fixed undo for sequence action moves
- Fixed application crash when exporting diagram with smooth relationships to SVG [RQ#1638]
- Fixed applying default line style for relationship inserted using drag&drop
- Fixed application crash when trying to set diagram naming style when no diagram is active
- Fixed application crash when confirming the dialog for a task predecessor without choosing one
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