Voting System (ER Diagram)
An entity-relationship diagram for a voting system. It manages multiple votings and voter groups. Multiple voting options are supported for each voting.
ER Diagram for Voting System
This ERD example shows the data model of a voting system. It models the following entities:
- Voting - represents a voting event with a restricted period of validity when the voters can vote. Voting is available only when the status is set to Open.
- Voting Option - an ordered text option associated with voting.
- Voting Status
- Voter - a person registered in the voting system, who can vote in defined votings.
- Voter Vote - a voter's vote (chosen option) in voting with a date when the vote was cast.
- Voter Group - a group of specific voters, which can be associated with votings. Voter groups can have different voting powers.
- Allowed Voter Group - a voter group that can vote in specific voting.
These options are pre-defined for the voting status:
- Draft
- Open
- Closed
- Cancelled
Voting System (ER Diagram)
mehran khan 16 April 2024 7:43:44
student of computer science