While and Do-While Loop (Flowchart)
This flowchart example shows a side-by-side comparison of the while and do-while loop.
The while loop starts with the condition and then repeats the command execution while the condition is valid. The condition is evaluated after each command execution.
The do-while loop starts with the command execution and the condition is evaluated subsequently. The loop repeats the command execution while the condition returns true.
Flowchart for While and Do-While Loop - Comparison
The diagram includes a flowchart template for while loop with the following steps:
- Start
- While Condition
- Command
- End
and a template for do-while loop with the following steps:
- Start
- Do (Pseudostep)
- Command
- While Condition
- End
Flowchart for While and Do-While Loop
Riddhi Shivhare 9 January 2025 14:01:37