UML Association Class

An association class provides more information to an association. If you need to add attributes or operations to an association, the UML association class is the right concept you should use.

An association class models the attributes and operations of the association. It is depicted as a standard UML class connected with a dashed-lined link to the association.

How to Add Association Class

Association Class - how to add it to the diagram
Association Class - how to add it to the diagram

You can add an association class to the association using the context bar. Select the desired association in diagram editor and click on the Add Association Class button in the context bar. The association class connected to the association will be inserted into the diagram.

Example of Association Class

Let's have two entities - Student and Course. There is an association that represents student participation in the course. The Participation association needs other attributes such as course enrollment date and the flag for recording whether the fee was paid. These attributes will be stored in the association class.

Association Class Example
Association Class Example


Adalberto J. Brasaca 26 July 2024 15:11:04

Association class

When creating an Association, the context menu doesn't shows the "plus" icon used to create an Association Class.

Adalberto J. Brasaca 26 July 2024 15:18:33

RE: Association class

I saw that now there is a different icon to do the task...

Dusan Rodina - 26 July 2024 16:25:31

RE: RE: Association class

Yes, the icon has been changed in newer version. We will update the video.

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