Rounded rectangles and colors in documentation
Version 6.80 allows to draw custom rounded rectangles and change colors of text and background in documentation editor. Also several found bug were fixed.
A new tool for rounded rectangles was added to Drawing group in toolbox (1). It allows to draw rounded rectangles with a custom rounding radius. You can adjust it simply by dragging the rounding start point (2).

Documentation editor got several improvements in version 6.80. You can change text color or background color of selected text. Also few shortcut keys were added for basic formatting commands (bold - CTRL-B, italic - CTRL-I and underline - CTRL-U).

New features and improvements
- Added Rounded Rectangle tool (Drawing group)
- Added source code generation for array attributes (C#, Java, VB.NET)
- Added new template language commands: Attribute.Multiplicity, Attribute.IsArray
- Added buttons for text color and background color to documentation control
- Added shorcut keys for simple formatting commands to documentation control
- Improved Evaluation dialog and edition switching
Fixed bugs
- Fixed application crash when dragging from Graphics sidebar and nothing is selected
- Fixed application crash when type a colon in operation parameters parentheses
- Fixed appending operations using fast editor
- Fixed clearing all operations using fast editor
- Fixed possible application crash in template evaluation
- Fixed wrong source code generation of comment from documentation
- Fixed formmatted text editing on end (e.g. in documentation)
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