Use Case List

The list of use cases is available in the Use Cases module. It offers an overview table with all use cases defined in the project.

The Use Cases window is a useful way for accessing the complete list of use cases in the project. It shows the particular use cases and their attribures. The use case list offers the following columns:

  • State
  • Scope
  • Level
  • Name
  • ID
  • Primary Actor
  • Brief Description
  • Precondition
  • Minimal Guarantee
  • Success Guarantee
  • Triggers
  • Frequency of Use
  • Priority

The use cases that are not used on any diagram are displayed with the red background in the list.

The list of use cases is ordered by priority by default. However, you can order it by any other column. Click on the desired column to order it in ascending. If you click on the column again, the list will be sorted in descending.

Use Cases window - the list of use cases
Use Cases window - the list of use cases

If you right-click on an element in the list, a context menu shows. It includes the following items:

  • Lower Priority - changes the priority to lower by a single step.
  • Higher Priority - changes the priority to higher by a single step.
  • Delete - removes the use case from the project and the respective diagrams.
  • Use Case Definition - open the window with the definition of the selected use case. You can edit the details of the use case there.

The Use Cases window provides a toolbar in the top part of the window with the following buttons and controls:

  • Search Box - you can filter the use cases in the list by an entered text. The searched text is evaluated for the use case name, brief description, precondition, minimal guarantee, and success guarantee.
  • Add Use Case - adds a new use case to the project.
  • Higher Priority - increases the priority of the selected use case by one.
  • Lower Priority - decreases the priority of the selected use case by one.
  • Refresh - if the list is not up-to-date for a reason, you can use this button to bind the most current data.
  • Export
  • Print

Export Use Case List

The current list of use cases can be exported using the Export button in the top toolbar. After clicking the button, the Open file dialog opens, and you can choose the filename where the list will be saved. The use case list is saved in CSV format.

You can print the displayed list of use cases using the Print button in the top toolbar. When you click on the button, the Print dialog shows. It shows the print preview of the list. In the right pane, it offers two tabs: Columns and Settings. In the Columns tab, you can select, which columns you want to include in the printed list. The Settings tab allows you to specify Printer, paper format, and margins.

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