Container Layout Settings

The container layouts support additional settings that allow you to modify the placement of the nested elements.

The Container layout settings dialog offers options for detailed configuration of the container layout. It allows you to choose from these container types:

  • Simple
  • Stack
  • Flow
  • Table
Container Layout Setting Dialog
Container Layout Setting Dialog

The dialog includes various setting groups depending on the container type. The Padding group contains five boxes for setting general padding (using the All box) and the individual paddings:

  • Left
  • Right
  • Top
  • Bottom

Stack Layout

Stack layout places the elements one after the other in the vertical or horizontal direction in one row or column.

These stack directions are available:

  • Left to right
  • Right to left
  • Top to bottom
  • Bottom to top

You can also set the distance between every two following elements using the Offset box.

The Fit elements option allows you to fit the second dimension of the element to the container size. If the option is turned on, the element widths are set according to the container width for vertical stacks, and the element heights are adapted to the container height for horizontal stacks.

Flow Layout

Flow layout places the elements in a flow. If a row/column is completely filled, another row/column is added, and the flow of elements continues there.

These flow directions are available:

  • Left to right
  • Right to left
  • Top to bottom
  • Bottom to top

You can also set the distance between every two following elements using the Flow offset box. The Line offset box allows you to define the distance between two consecutive rows/columns.

Table Layout

The elements are aligned to a table grid when the table layout is set for the container. You can set the offsets between the rows and columns using the boxes:

  • Horizontal offset - specifies empty space between two columns
  • Vertical offset - specifies empty space between two rows

The dialog allows you to define the number of columns and rows in the table using the Columns and Rows edit boxes. You can also check the Auto dimensions option that creates a sufficient number of columns and rows for the nested elements.

If the Fit elements to cells option is checked, the size of elements will be set by the cell size. Otherwise, the original element sizes will be preserved.

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