Sequence Diagram

UML diagram, which shows how objects communicate with one another and in what order in terms of a sequence of messages.


Juan José 3 October 2012 7:51:06

Messages from classes

Hello! Thank you for the update.

I've played around with messages in the sequence diagram, and i find it puzzling.

If a have two classes that are related (for example a business layer class that uses the data access layer class to save some data)











In the sequence diagram, when i create both of them to represent the sequence, the message i choose then BLL calls DAL, should be the ones from DAL (since i am "calling them"), and not the ones from BLL

This is how it works right now:

|ClassBLL| |ClassDAL|

| |

| Save_DAL() |


| |

x x

This is how (as far as i know) should be:

|ClassBLL| |ClassDAL|

| |

| Save() |


| |

x x

A workaround is this (with current implementation):

|ClassBLL| |ClassDAL|

| |

| Save_DAL() |


| |||--- | ||| |Save()

| |||<--/

| |||

| |

x x

Juan José 3 October 2012 7:52:09

RE: Messages from classes

Bummer it didn't mantain the ascii design...

Dusan Rodina - 3 October 2012 7:58:54

RE: RE: Messages from classes

I received it to my e-mail with all spaces :)

I understand where is the problem. Of course, I will fix it. The hot fix should be completed within few days.

Dusan Rodina - 3 October 2012 14:40:32

RE: RE: RE: Messages from classes


you can try the new version - 5.61. It fixes the problem, you noticed.

Juan Jose 4 October 2012 15:27:41

RE: RE: RE: RE: Messages from classes

Works like a charm!

Thank you :)

JKSH 24 September 2012 2:34:00

Sequence Diagram: Show destruction by other class


How do I draw a "Destroy message" where an arrow from 1 lifeline leads to an 'X' in another lifeline?


I've tried using:

i) The "Destroy Action", but that only lets me place a 'X' without the arrow

ii) The "Call Action", where I changed Properties -> Message -> Type to "Destroy", but it still looks like a normal call. Also, SIM won't let me attach that arrow to the 'X'.


Dusan Rodina - 25 September 2012 14:38:25

RE: Sequence Diagram: Show destruction by other cl


sorry for this inconvenience. It will be solved in the next release.

JKSH 30 September 2012 5:50:03

RE: Sequence Diagram: Show destruction by other cl

No apology needed. Thank you for your hard work; I look forward to the next version!

Juan José 17 September 2012 7:48:50

Actions pulled from Class

First of all, thank you for this software, i am using it for my thesis and i am seriously enjoying it! You are nothing short of a genious here.

I've couldn't find a way to pull actions from the classes's medthods i am using. That means that if the action (method) ever changes, i have to manually go and changeit in every other model i used it.

Am i missing something?

Dusan Rodina - 17 September 2012 14:04:27

RE: Actions pulled from Class

Thank you very much.

This feature is really missing, but I've got good news for you - it will be added in the next version, which will be released within two weeks.

Juan José 17 September 2012 16:51:42

RE: RE: Actions pulled from Class

You must be a genious :)

I am looking forward for that version then, it will come in really handy with my thesis. Thank you very much!

lcz20 14 March 2012 11:11:11

Newer translation working

I'm working on a newest translation for Version 5.06(chinese simplified).

Is there any tool to help translate?

(already work for this for a couple of days,it's seems that all Strings in the resx file,but many repeated words,so just done 2/3 for keep the translation be consistent)

If have such tool,could email me(


by the way ,those translations(zh-cn&zh-TW)too old and many things are lost(it's based on a very old version,I guess)

Dusan Rodina - 14 March 2012 14:58:16

RE: Newer translation working

Thank you for your interest in translation.

I have sent you the answer on your e-mail.

Peter 19 December 2011 8:45:16

Stop automatically lifeline when using the destruc

When you place the destruction cross, the lifeline should automatically be stopped.

Peter 19 December 2011 7:41:45

Signature options

I can't find the signature options like return type, ref etc.

attribute = name (arguments) : return-type

denkir 27 October 2011 6:52:32


DuĊĦan, is it possible to use gates when referencing other sequence diagram?

I'm trying to drop the call action arrow going from the border of SD, but fail...

Dusan Rodina - 27 October 2011 13:53:46

RE: gates

Gates are not yet supported. I will add them in version 5.

Randy 7 October 2011 12:02:39

diagram linking

I am considering using this tool in the Systems Analysis and Design course I teach. You seem to have the diagramming mechanisms nailed down quite nicely for our purposes. However, I don't see how this tool ensures consistency among diagrams. E.g., I create an actor in a use case diagram; now I build a sequence diagram and want to use the actor already defined in use case - it looks like I have to create another actor.

Am I missing step you already provide?

Dusan Rodina - 9 October 2011 16:33:10

RE: diagram linking

This seems to be a problem. I'll check it out and I'll fix it in the next release.

Other types of elements can be shared among diagrams - switch project tree to 'All Entities' view and drag the desired element from list of entities to diagram.

Frank 1 September 2011 6:09:54


How can I remove a ref frame(interaction use) which is attached to a timeline. If I delete this ref frame will the timeline be removed too.

You should think, Ok I can use a workaround by drawing a new timeline but the activation bar is in this case not linked anymore to the new timeline-> you have to redraw everything(timline, call actions,...)

Kind Regards


Frank 1 September 2011 6:12:53

RE: timeline=lifeline


Sorry for the inconvenience

Dusan Rodina - 1 September 2011 6:20:37

RE: RE: timeline=lifeline


it is bug and will be fixed soon.

The workaround:

Move lifeline so, that it doesn't intersect with interaction use element. Then move interaction use element and then delete it. Ref element should be so deleted and lifeline preserved.

Frank 1 September 2011 9:08:38

RE: RE: RE: timeline=lifeline


denkir 7 July 2011 6:54:06


How can I add a hot link to a new SD when I bring in the Interaction Use block?

Dusan Rodina - 7 July 2011 13:26:35

RE: ref

Right-click on Interaction Use element and in the context menu click on Add New Diagram (and choose the Sequence diagram item) or Add Existing Diagram (and select an existing sequence diagram from the list).

denkir 5 July 2011 6:30:40


How can I add the guard condition to the Alt Fragment?

Thanks in advance.

Dusan Rodina - 5 July 2011 6:43:55

RE: alt

1. Press 'Interaction Operand' button in toolbox and hold mouse button pressed

2. Drag over Alt fragment and release mouse button

3. Double click on inserted rectangle (interaction operand) - properties dialog will be shown

4. Switch to Interaction Operand tab

5. Type the guard condition in the text box

6. Confirm the dialog using OK button

John 4 July 2011 0:32:36


Drag&Drop does not seem to be working. I tried the Hotfix and it too did not work.

This is a great BTW.

Dusan Rodina - 5 July 2011 6:50:47

RE: Drag&Drop

The hotfix allowed to change the start and end activation bar of sequence message (call, return, send). It is not possible to change the parent lifeline of activation bar. I agree, that it would be useful - I will add this option in the next release.

Dusan Rodina - 10 July 2011 8:31:11

RE: RE: Drag&Drop

I released a new version (4.98), which supports moving activation bar to another lifeline.

Aleksey Gorkovenko 14 June 2011 7:08:39

Reroute calls

Hi! Is it possible to reroute call from one timeline to another?

Drag&drop does not works


Dusan Rodina - 14 June 2011 23:18:50

RE: Reroute calls

Hi! I'm sorry, but it is not yet possible. I will add this possibility in the next release.

Dusan Rodina - 27 June 2011 15:12:21

RE: RE: Reroute calls

Try this hot fix - it contains implementation of your request:

This fix will be part of version 4.98, which will be released within one or two weeks.

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