Online Shopping (UML Sequence Diagram)

This UML sequence diagram example shows the process of an online shopping transaction, involving the Customer, Shopping website, Payment gateway, and Shipping company.

The sequence diagram illustrates the process of an online shopping transaction. The lifelines in the diagram represent the different entities involved in the process, including the Customer, the E-shop website, the Payment gateway, and the Shipping company.

The Customer initiates the process by accessing the E-shop website and browsing the available products. Once they have found a product they wish to purchase, they add it to their cart and begin the checkout process.

During the checkout process, the E-shop website retrieves the Customer's payment information and sends it to the Payment gateway to be processed. Once the Payment gateway has confirmed the payment, the E-shop website sends a confirmation to the Customer.

The E-shop website then provides the necessary shipping information to the Shipping company, which ships the product to the Customer.

Online Shopping (UML Sequence Diagram)
Online Shopping (UML Sequence Diagram)

The diagram contains these lifelines:

  • Customer - the individual who is making a purchase on the online shopping website.
  • Shopping website - the website that the Customer is using to browse and purchase products.
  • Payment gateway - the system that processes and verifies the Customer's payment information.
  • Shipping company - the entity responsible for delivering the purchased product to the Customer.

Download UML Sequence Diagram for Online Shopping

You can download the project file with the UML sequence diagram here. The project file can be open in Software Ideas Modeler.


Kordzo Kofi 19 May 2023 5:34:37

Sequence diagram

Sequence diagram

Samer 9 January 2025 2:44:01


I want the sequence diagram of an online book use case on this topics are: product management,order management, customer support, shipping management, marketing & advertising, browsing & search books, add to cart, website maintenance, product details & review,manage user account, manage order & payment and return exchange & customer support. Plz.

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