Math Commands (Template Language)

Math commands of Software Ideas Modeler template language.
Command Name Result Type Description
Ceiling(number:Number) Number

Rounds a number up to the nearest whole number.

Parameter: The number to round up.

Example: Ceiling(2.3) returns 3.

Dec(number:Number) Number

Decrements the given number by one.

Parameter: The number to decrement.

Example: Dec(5) returns 4.

Div(...number:Number) Number

Divides the first number by each subsequent number in the parameter list.

Parameters: A sequence of numbers to be divided, starting with the dividend followed by one or more divisors.

Example: Div(20, 5, 2) returns 2 (20 divided by 5, then divided by 2).

Floor(number:Number) Number

Rounds a number down to the nearest whole number.

Parameter: The number to round down.

Example: Floor(2.8) returns 2.

Inc(number:Number) Number

Increments the given number by one.

Parameter: The number to increment.

Example: Inc(4) returns 5.

IsNumber(object:Object) Boolean

Checks if the given object is a number.

Parameter: The object to check.

Example: IsNumber("5") returns true; IsNumber("A") returns false.

Log(number:Number, newBase:Number) Number

Calculates the logarithm of a number with respect to a base.

Parameters: The number and the base for the logarithm calculation.

Example: Log(100, 10) returns 2.

Max(...number:Number) Number

Returns the maximum value among the given numbers.

Parameters: A comma-separated list of numbers to compare.

Example: Max(1, 3, 2) returns 3.

Min(...number:Number) Number

Returns the minimum value among the given numbers.

Parameters: A comma-separated list of numbers to compare.

Example: Min(1, 3, 2) returns 1.

Mod(number:Number, divisor:Number) Number

Calculates the remainder of the division of the given number by the divisor.

Parameters: The dividend and the divisor.

Example: Mod(5, 2) returns 1.

Mul(...number:Number) Number

Multiplies the given numbers together.

Parameters: A sequence of numbers to multiply.

Example: Mul(2, 3, 4) returns 24.

Pow(x:Number, y:Number) Number

Raises a number to the power of another number.

Parameters: The base number x and the exponent y.

Example: Pow(2, 3) returns 8.

Round(number:Number, digits:Number) Number

Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.

Parameters: The number to round and the number of decimal places to round to.

Example: Round(2.123, 2) returns 2.12.

Sqrt(number:Number) Number

Calculates the square root of a number.

Parameter: The number to find the square root of.

Example: Sqrt(4) returns 2.

Subt(...number:Number) Number

Subtracts each subsequent number from the first number in the parameter list.

Parameters: A sequence of numbers to subtract, starting with the minuend followed by one or more subtrahends.

Example: Subt(10, 3, 2) returns 5 (10 minus 3, then minus 2).

Sum(...number:Number) Number

Adds together all the given numbers.

Parameters: A sequence of numbers to add.

Example: Sum(1, 2, 3) returns 6.

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