Improved Diagram Creation with Software Ideas Modeler 14.66

The new version 14.66 introduces a range of enhancements and fixes, addressing both general diagramming functionality and specific improvements for user stories, organizational charts, and feature model diagrams. These updates aim to streamline workflows, enhance diagram clarity, and improve overall user experience.

Software Ideas Modeler version 14.66 brings several notable enhancements and critical bug fixes that improve the user experience and functionality of the tool. This release builds on the foundation of previous versions by introducing key features aimed at streamlining diagram management, refining user interface interactions, and resolving long-standing issues that users have encountered.

One of the most significant additions in this release is the ability to apply the "Associate New/Existing Diagram" action to multiple selected elements simultaneously, a feature that will save users time and enhance productivity when managing complex projects. Another new feature is the inclusion of a Phone Number field in the Role element within organizational charts, making this type of diagram even more informative.

For agile and project management users, user stories now have improved customizability with editable properties in the sidebar and the option to hide specific fields. Epics, too, will benefit from cleaner displays as their fields are hidden by default upon insertion.

Software Ideas Modeler 14.66 - Improved Diagramming
Software Ideas Modeler 14.66 - Improved Diagramming

New Features and Improvements

  • The Associate New/Existing Diagram action can now be applied to multiple selected elements at once
  • Added a Phone Number field to the Role element in Org Charts
  • User Story properties can now be edited using the Properties sidebar
  • User Story fields can now be hidden
  • Epics are now inserted with hidden fields by default

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed the size of the drop-down menu with element types for the Incorporate New Elements action
  • Fixed rendering issues with arcs in the Feature Model Diagram
  • Fixed the issue with entering non-Latin characters into the formatted text box
  • Fixed the visibility of specific properties in the Properties sidebar
  • Fixed an application crash when right-clicking on empty space in the Folder Overview tab
  • Fixed issues with adding and editing tasks in the To-Do sidebar using the new (green) row
  • Fixed an application crash when confirming the Element Conversion dialog without choosing a type
  • Fixed an application crash when applying source code changes using Source Code Reverse Engineering
  • Fixed an application crash when trying to create a new trigger for an existing event without choosing any
  • Fixed an application crash when selecting something other than an element node in the Replace Element Model dialog
  • Fixed an application crash when the relationship in the IDEF1X ER diagram contained an undefined multiplicity
  • Fixed locking a button in the toolbox after dragging a toolbox button
  • Fixed unexpected collapsing of the project tree after renaming an item


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