Model Type Commands (Template Language)

Commands for objects of Model type defined in Software Ideas Modeler Template Language.
Command Name Result Type Description
Name String Returns the name of the model.
Uid String Returns the internal unique ID of the element. (from version 5.60)
PageUrl String Returns the name of the HTML file for the model. (Format: [AdjustedModelName].html)
UniqueUrl String Returns the unique name of the HTML file for the model. (Format: [AdjustedModelName]_[ModelUID].html)
Namespace String Returns the namespace defined for the model.
HasDocumentation Boolean Returns true if model has a documentation.
Documentation FormattedText Returns the documentation of the model as formatted text. (It can be used only in documentation templates.)
HtmlDocumentation String Returns the documentation of the model in HTML format.
DocumentationLines Enumeration Enumerates all lines of the model documentation. The default variable used for the enumeration is DocumentationLine. (from version 5.60)
TaggedValues Enumeration Enumerates all tagged values of the model. The default variable used for the enumeration is TaggedValue.
GetTaggedValue(tag, [defaultValue]) String Returns tagged value for the tag. If there is no value for the tag, defaultValue is returned. Default value is an optional parameter.
CreationDate String Returns the creation date of the model.
Description String Returns the description of the model.
Authors String Returns the author(s) of the model.
Version String Returns the version of the model.
Models Enumeration Enumerates nested models. The default variable used for the enumeration is NestedModel.
Diagrams Enumeration Enumerates diagrams defined in the model. The default variable used for the enumeration is Diagram.
Elements Enumeration Enumerates model elements defined in the model. The default variable used for the enumeration is Element.

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