Duplicate diagrams, convert elements and manage filters with 7.10
Version 7.10 is a new feature version of Software Ideas Modeler. It allows you to duplicate diagrams, convert elements and manage filters. There are also other improvements and bug fixes.
You can make copies of diagram using new Duplicate feature (menu Diagram/Duplicate). It allows you to specify the kind of copy (independent/shared model), name prefixes and suffixes and also to create relationship diagram between original and the new duplicated diagram.

Now it is easy to change the type of element - you can convert one or more elements to another type with Convert feature (menu Element/Convert).

Filters were present also in previous versions, but from this version you can manage them easier using Filter Manager (menu Diagram/Filter/Filter Manager). You can edit, duplicate or delete them. You can export your filters and import new filters. The filters themselves were improved - now you can filter by tagged values.

New Features and Improvements
- Added diagram duplication (menu Diagram/Duplicate)
- Independent copy
- Shared model copy
- Generate relationship diagram
- Prefix and suffix for copied elements
- Elements can be converted to other element types
- Improved custom filter - added filtering by tagged values
- Improved quality of icons in project tree and element browser
- Much faster loading of Element Browser
- Added icons to project tree in dialog for assigning existing diagram
- Added Filter Manager (Diagram/Filter/Filter Manager)
- Add and edit new custom filter
- Delete filter
- Import and export filter
- Duplicate filter
- Better adjusting of rectangular relationships
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed navigation using up and down arrow keys in edit box in diagram editor
- Fixed scrolling drop down list using mouse wheel
- Fixed auto-complete of operation parameter types
- Fixed showing Element Lists menu item in unsupported editions
- Fixed incorrect change of location of nested elements, when move group of elements
- Fixed showing close button in context bar
- Fixed tab order in New Style dialog
- Fixed 'Column Layout' menu item
- Fixed displaying of tagged values for class with hidden attributes and operations
- Fixed from z-order of nested elements after undoing Delete from Project action
- Fixed copy and paste of diagrams and models with unreferenced elements in local repository
- Fixed documentation rendering when it is displayed in Properties dialog for the first time
- Fixed binding of project filters to menu
- Fixed wrong applying of lock to fields when it should not be used
- Fixed attaching of relationship end to wrong side when lock to fields on and the relationship has more points
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