Python Reverse Engineering and Table Printing
Make Independent Model
The new feature Make Independent Model is available in the context ribbon tab Model in Editing group. It allows you to preserve the current model of the diagram element and make it independent from further changes which could be made on the original shared model. This action affects only elements with a shared model, it has no effect on single instance elements.

Print Tables
There is a lot of various grid, tables and matrices in Software Ideas Modeler - e.g. Element Browser, Requirement List, Use Case List, TO-DOs... In previous versions, it was possible to export these lists to CSV format. The new version supports print of these tables. You can also configure which columns should be printed and also their order.

Other Features and Fixes
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New Features and Improvements
- Added support for Python source code reverse engineering
- Added print of requirement table [RQ#475]
- Added print of element browser grid, matrices, grids, tasks, persons
- Added new feature - Make Independent Model [RQ#445]
- Print preview can be scrolled and zoomed using mouse wheel
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed rendering lines in grid control with tree
- Fixed diagram scaling by page format in PDF export
- Fixed application crash when opening the context ribbon tab for field
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