Better Documentation Templates and Improved Support for Right-To-Left Languages
The new version 11.30 improves documentation templates (support for optional regions was added) and it enhanced support for right-to-left languages. Also several bugs were fixed.

Documentation Generation - Template Settings
New Features and Improvements
- Added support for documentation template settings
- Added template commands: Optional, EndOptional, UserInput
- Improved default documentation template
- Added optional regions
- Added glossary description
- Added attibute tagged values
- Added support for right to left languages to formatted text editor [RQ#1530]
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed displaying multiple-nested content from other tabs in UI Tab Control
- Fixed saving default tagged values to default names file
- Fixed application crash when copying and pasting some elements
- [Mono] Fixed application crash when displaying shortcut keys
- Fixed big font size in ribbon for higher DPIs [RQ#1531]
- Fixed application crash when trying to close more application instances at once [RQ#1528]
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