Version 4.91 - new improvements
New Features and Improvements
+ Improved moving of relationship paths (nested elements, multiple selected elements)
+ List of recent projects is ordered by last change date
+ Added displaying of last change date (list of recent projects)
+ File name is displayed instead of full path (list of recent projects)
+ Package tab is enlarged when the name is too long
+ Added context menu for layer control
+ Added Collapse All button in project tree panel
+ Added icon to indicate whether layer is displayed or hidden
+ Auto-update options - Turn off / Notify new version / Full setup / Fast update (for RS and OS)
+ Added new shortcut keys (Export/Image - Ctrl-Shift-B and Export/XMI - Ctrl-Shift-X)
+ Element types in Stereotypes window are ordered by name
+ Added artifact in list of element types (Stereotypes window)
Fixed Bugs
* Fixed specific case of application crash when loading diagram with polygon element
* Fixed incorrect calculation of relation bounds after loading which prevented moving of relation texts
* Fixed application crash when using selection inside container (Alt + Mouse)
* Fixed applying setting 'Relations always on top' in export
* Fixed incorrect setting of container bounds after undoing adding to container with inflating
* Fixed application crash when pasting special combination of elements
* Fixed Mono specific problem with checking whether directory is available for writing
Download Software Ideas Modeler 4.91 (ZIP package)
Download Software Ideas Modeler 4.91 (Setup)
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