Layer Diagram (Other Diagrams)
The Layer diagram is a type of a block diagram. It can be used to depict a higher architecture or a concept of a solution.
What Is a Layer Diagram?
A layer diagram provides a high-level view of the architecture of software or a software system. The diagram depicts the various layers, tiers, and components within the system. The diagram allows you to present the structure of the system without unnecessary details.
Layer Diagram Symbols
The diagram offers the following block elements:
- Tier - represents the highest level block. It can be a framework or a system.
- Layer - represents a layer of a system - e.g. presentation layer, data layer.
- Component - represents a module, a subsystem or an application.
- Group - delimits a set of modules to which we want to refer together.
- Responsibility - describes the role or the responsibility of a module.
The elements can be connected using these connectors:
- Dependency - depicts a dependency between two diagram blocks.
- Unidirectional Dependency - the arrow of the connector points from dependent block to its dependency.
- Bidirectional Dependency - connects to blocks that are dependent on each other.
There are also other elements to depict groupings and alternatives:
- Brace - describes a horizontal or vertical area of a diagram or its part. The brace can be oriented to the left, right, top, or bottom.
- Or - allows you to show various alternatives within your layer diagram. It is automatically oriented vertically or horizontally depending on the size ratio.
Layer Diagram Overview
Layer Diagram - overview of elements
Layer Diagram Tool
If you are looking for a layer diagram tool you can download Software Ideas Modeler that allows you to create and edit the layer diagrams:
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