Export documentation (#1507)

If a previously created documentation is still opened in Word, and then a documentation should be exported again, an error occurs, that the file is not accessible. After closing the file and confirming the message, the progress bar hangs at 65 percent and nothing further happens. Because the progress bar window is modal and has not cancel button, you have to kill the hole application.

2 August 2017 11:07:44
8 August 2017 9:09:03
Requested by
Stefan Menten
Windows 10
Solved in

Stefan Menten 2 August 2017 11:23:58

After closing the application using the task manager, it is not possible to start the application again, even after I rebooted the PC. I get the error massage, that an object reference is not set correct, and several class links.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 2 August 2017 12:28:40

I apologize for these problems. Could you please send us the copy of error message or print screen of this error dialog? In any case, we will thoroughly examine this issue.

Stefan Menten 2 August 2017 14:55:06

Difficult. After I closed the application using the task manager, it did not start again. So I had to uninstall it. I downloaded the portable version now. With this, error with the still opened file is the same, but appication starts after closing it with the task manager. How can I append files to a case?

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