error in the resource :Restaurant Orders (UML Class Diagram) (#1593)
in the diagram example proposed here:
there are in some cases attributes mentioned once too much in the class which results in generating code with 2 attributes instead of 1
here UML
-Name : String
-Description : String
-Price : Real
-Meal : Meal
and here code generated
class MenuItem
private String Name;
private String Description;
private float Price;
private Meal Meal;
private Meal Meal;
in this example we see that meal is 2 times present!
this error is due to a misunderstanding of the association concept in UML
during an association, do not write the attribute directly in the class but on the name of the association ...
I specify that it is not a bug of the software but an error of who made the diagrams of the example
Dusan Rodina - 7 April 2019 21:58:03
Thank you for your notice, it will be fixed.