C# Interface Source Code Generation (#1609)
When adding attributes to an interface, I would like to set the accessibility of the attributes
interface IEmployee
string Name
But when I generate source code for the interface, the attributes are missing
Thank you
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 12 July 2019 10:26:02
The attributes are ignored in generated code for interfaces. It will be added in the next release as well as the problem with owner deleting.
You can inherit from multiple interfaces via Realization relationship (instead of Generalization).
Sim18 12 July 2019 12:05:53
Thank you Dusan
Sim18 13 July 2019 9:14:20
When I use Realization relationship, one of the classes gets added twice
public class Square : Shape, Shape, Object
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 15 July 2019 10:54:09
It seems that there is a Generalization and also a Realization between Square and Shape. One of them may be present only in the model and not in the diagram. You can check it when you switch the project tree view from Hierarchical View to Hierarchical Model View.
Sim18 12 July 2019 8:32:46
Also for C# when creating a class, how can I inherit from multiple other classes, for example to create this code
public class Square : Shape, Object
I also found if I associate an owner (Element Properties > Owner) I cannot delete the owner