reverse engineering C# code incomplete (#1623)
seems because the comments who are not supported
take a look to this class, there are missing operations on the diagram!ApLXJipceFJ0nOc6fvK7rO9SpdeIVg?e=FAS9mR
using System;
namespace MiniJeu
public abstract class Personnage
protected bool estVivant;
public Personnage()
estVivant = true;
public abstract void Attaque(Personnage p);
public void SubitDegats()//teste si le bon type est en action : uniquement les monstres
if (this is PersonnageAPointsDeVie)
throw new ArgumentException("SubitDegats() ne peut pas etre appelé par sur un personnage avec points de vie");
EstVivant = false;
public virtual void SubitDegats(int d)
EstVivant = false;
public int LanceLeDe()
return De.LanceLeDe();
// la propriete EstVivant est virtual et non abstaite comme dans l'énoncé car on ne peut pas la mettre en abstract
public virtual bool EstVivant
get { return estVivant; }
set { estVivant = value; }
Dusan Rodina - 24 January 2020 17:05:52
Thank you for your feedback.
Yes, you are right the problem is with the comments. The current parser has problems when a comment is placed between a block definition and a block content - i.e. between ) and {. It will be fixed in the next version which should be released on Monday.