Standardize label line break (#1639)
Dear Dusan,
something I struggle often: Manual line breaks within element labels.
When editing an diagram specific element (e. g. actor), I have to type [Ctrl] + [Enter] to get a new line.
When editing the generic text / formatted text elements, I have to type [Shift] + [Enter] to get a new line.
I have no Idea how to improve that without breaking anything - it's just a personal observation.
I'm sorry for keeping you busy and I appreciate your support. Great job :tumbs up:
Sebastian 4 May 2020 9:22:40
Thank you for the clarification. Now this makes sense.
A simple but great improvement to me would be to allow the Ctrl+Enter line break also for multiline elements.
Dusan Rodina - 5 May 2020 8:49:45
From the version 12.60, the setting is available in Options form - Diagram Editor tab/Renaming group/Action on Enter press - Always confirmation.
Dusan Rodina - 4 May 2020 8:44:33
Dear Sebastian,
Thank you for your feedback once again.
A setting for this may be added in the next version.
Currently, there are two behaviors for new lines inserting:
Ctrl + Enter - for defaulty one-line label elements (most elements)
Enter - for multiline text elements as general text, formatted texts, comments, etc.