Bugs and suggestions (#2740)

Hello. We already talked a lot there


But I want to start it fresh, we will confuse each other otherwise.

7 May 2024 17:20:27
28 May 2024 21:40:59
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Windows 11
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SplinterX 7 May 2024 17:45:10

1) I can't delete attributes or operations in class. If I do it in properties they are deleted there but stay visually on the diagram. If I delete them with Delete button they stay on the background but no longer are connected to the class.


2) I can't turn of the bottom notification panel. Everytime I delete something it says the element was deleted. I know, i just did it. Infinitely annoying. I already asked to change it before but there is no point if going back to the old conversation.


3) When I set padding it doesn't work for the distance between the operations and its zone.


4) Also I don't know how to change the distance between attributes. They are also too close.

5) If I delete the modifiers it changes padding of the elements a bit

https://disk.yandex.ru/i/BxQw4tRikB7_4g Here the attributes are further to the right then the operations.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 9 May 2024 9:11:57


Thank you for the new suggestions.

1) We cannot reproduce this issue with a fresh project; it probably occurs after a specific action (or maybe it was created in an old version?). Could you please send us a project file where this happens or describe the way how the class was created?

2) The bottom panel now hides automatically after the next action, so there is no need to close it manually. We can add an option to suppress it completely in the next release.

3) and 4) To adjust the padding of the individual fields, you need to select all the fields you want to adjust and modify their padding in the Style sidebar. We will look into making it easier to set the default padding for fields.

5) We will investigate this issue and address it in the next release.

SplinterX 9 May 2024 11:08:47

1) It was created in the newest version definitely.

But it was installed above a relatively old one with probably keeping many of its settings.

Here's the project file - simp.


Also maybe you will need the set of my config files


Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 10 May 2024 23:15:44

Thank you for the files. Now it is clear what is the exact scenario of the issue. It will be fixed in the next release.

SplinterX 11 May 2024 8:28:46

Just fixing it will be enough of course. But I am curious what happened and I would appreciate if you told me. And was it config files or project files that showed you the problem.

Your answers to 2-5 was enough for me so far, we will see how it will be later.


SplinterX 17 May 2024 18:41:35

6) When there are no operations and you do auto-size then the operation area become so small that it looks like a graphical glitch. It should be obvious that there are not operations, not the feeling that it just didn't load or something. I would make it the size of the title area minimum even if it is empty.


And please give me some hints about the release date of the new version.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 18 May 2024 12:53:28

The new version is planned to be released in one or two weeks.

SplinterX 2 June 2024 0:05:52

7) When I start the application the folder overview is shown and precisely the first in the tree but not the last active. It is inconvenient. It is much better if when the whole app starts it immediately active on the last tab of the last project. Like in web browsers. At least give me such an option.

8) When I duplicate a diagram in the tree the last diagram there automatically expends. There is no need and reason for such a thing.

Activity diagrams

9) If I use the elements around the borders of activities to create a line towards an element like Merge then the line has no arrow. It should and in all other cases it is there.

10) In the settings I set for copying to be automatically as Independent Copy. And it works for everything but activities.

11) In the ribbon bar there are two options for pasting a copy:

Paste as Independent Copy

Paste as New Instance (of existing element)

It is pretty confusing because the words New and Independent have some similarity in meaning. So I always need to read the whole thing to remember. It is better just to use short versions Paste as: Independent or Related. I or R. In the settings should be the same terminology that in the ribbon. Right now it is not.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 4 June 2024 13:07:25

7) Do I understand correctly that you would like the last folder in the project to be opened in the Folder Overview tab after opening a project? Should this be the last folder by its position in the project tree or by its creation date?

8) 9) These issues will be fixed.

10) We cannot reproduce this issue. Could you please provide more details or maybe a video?

11) We will improve this for better clarity.

SplinterX 15 June 2024 17:07:01

7) No. I think it should load the exact tabs that were there before closing and the active tab should be the last active tab before closing like web browsers do. No need to chose projects or looking through folder overview. But if it is a folder overview it should at least be folder overview with the last active diagram.

10) I sent you my project and setting files, remember? You can see it there. I never used video recording tools so it would take a lot of time to settle it, better to try without it.

New found:

11) When I open the project and then close it without changes and open again it tells me that I didn't save the changes and if it should be recovered. Even though I have auto-save option.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 18 June 2024 10:23:29

10) Still without success... Can you please explain what it means that it does not work for activities? The dialog is still displayed despite the setting or another method of copying is used - a new instance/shared model instead of an independent copy? Is this issue still present in version 14.50?

In case you would be interested I recommend this free simple tool for recording: https://www.screentogif.com

SplinterX 18 June 2024 14:54:34

Yes I am talking about 14.50.

Here is the video but I am not sure what it will do.


Again. When I ctrl+c and cntrl+v an activity it is paste as a new instance. Even though in the setting I chose by default to make an independent copy and that how it works for all other elements but activities.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 18 June 2024 15:37:34

Thank you for the video. Now, it is more clear. The issue will be fixed in the next release.

Here is also a detailed explanation if you are interested: It is caused by copying a UML Action element. It actually creates an independent copy, but it tries to insert the pasted element to the selected action as to a container, but then it is immediately removed from it as the action cannot be contained within another action. This causes the addition of the prefix, which is shown for elements that are placed in another (or no) container than their parent defined by the model.

If you deselect the action before pasting, it should prevent this situation.

SplinterX 20 June 2024 13:42:10

Thanks for the explanation and video tool.

When to expect the release?

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 24 June 2024 21:22:28

You're welcome.

The new version should be released this week (or in the beginning of the next week at the latest).

SplinterX 26 June 2024 20:51:16

12) After duplicating idef1x diagram the new change all the connections to many to many. Is is an old bug. Or I forgot to tell you, all a told you a long time ago.

2) How to deal with my this point in 14-50 or you didn't solve it yet?

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 11 July 2024 22:13:51

I apologize for the delayed response.

12) The issue will be fixed in the next release.

2) You can set the desired behavior by navigating to Options > Diagram Editor > Advanced > Suppress diagram editor assistance.

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