SQL DDL Parsing

SQL DDL scripts can be parsed and turned into ERD or UML class diagrams. The feature can be accessed quickly from the Parser sidebar or the Source Code Import dialog.

Generate Diagram from SQL in Clipboard

You can import SQL CREATE scripts into Software Ideas Modeler and produce entity-relationship diagrams or UML class diagrams. It is possible to paste a copied SQL script into the text editor in the Parser sidebar and generate diagram elements:

  • 1. Create a new entity-relationship diagram or UML class diagram (ribbon / Project / Content / Add New Diagram - choose Entity-Relationship Diagram or Class Diagram from the New Diagram dialog)
  • 2. Copy the desired SQL CREATE script.
  • 3. Open the Parser sidebar (ribbon / View / Window / Sidebars / Smart Parser).
  • 4. Choose SQL DDL from the Language drop-down.
  • 5. Paste the SQL script into the main text editor.
  • 6. Click on Insert All button to insert the generated ERD entities (or UML classes).
Generate ERD diagram from SQL DDL script
Generate ERD diagram from SQL DDL script

Generate Diagram from SQL Script Files

Alternatively, you can generate diagrams from SQL scripts saved in the files on disk:

  • 1. Open the Source Code Import dialog (ribbon / Process / Reverse Engineering / Source Code).
  • 2. Choose SQL DDL from the Language drop-down.
  • 3. Use Add Directory or Add Files button to choose SQL script files.
  • 4. If you want to generate an entity-relationship diagram from the SQL scripts, check the ERD checkbox in the Objects group and uncheck the UML checkbox in the Settings tab (in the Source Code Import dialog). If you want to generate a UML class diagram, let the UML checkbox checked and the ERD checkbox unchecked.
  • 5. Click on the OK button in the bottom part of the dialog to create new diagrams from chosen SQL script files.
Turn SQL script files to ERD
Turn SQL script files to ERD


ALEW 18 July 2024 10:12:10

sql schemas

am a student

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