SysML Block
SysML block is a universal element from SysML notation that can be used for many purposes when modeling an architecture of a system. In diagrams, it is represented by a simple rectangle with the «block» stereotype. It may include various compartments that specify details of the modeled block. These compartments are available:
- constraints
- operations
- receptions
- values
- parts
- references
- flow properties
- properties
- full ports
- proxy ports
- ports
How to Add Fields to SysML Block
You can add fields (constraints, operations, etc.) to a SysML Block either in the diagram editor or in the Properties dialog. You can open the Properties by double-clicking the block element or from the block's context menu (choose the Properties item).
In the diagram editor, you can use the buttons in the context bar (displayed under the selected element by default) to add new fields to the block.
The Properties dialog offers dedicated tabs for the individual field types - constraints, receptions, attributes, and operations.
How to Add Constraints
To add a new constraint to a block, select the desired block and click on the Add Rule button in the context bar below the SysML block. After clicking the button, you can enter the constraint condition in the edit box that will appear in the diagram editor.
How to Add Operations
To add a new operation, click on the Add Operation button in the context bar below the selected block. The new operation will be added to the operations compartment and you can edit its name, parameters, and return type directly in the diagram editor.
How to Add Receptions
To add a reception to the SysML block, you need to open the Properties dialog (choose the Properties item from the context menu after right-clicking on the block). In the dialog, switch to the Receptions tab and click on the Add button.
How to Add Values
To add a new field to the Values compartment, click on the Add Attributes button in the context bar (the attribute will appear in the Properties compartment) and set the type of the added attribute to a value type (e.g. integer, boolean, or any custom type defined by the Value Type element). You can change the type by typing a colon (:) and the value type name right after the attribute name.
How to Add Parts
To add a part to the SysML block, add an attribute first - click on the Add Attributes button in the context bar. Then set the type as another SysML block. Right-click on the attribute and choose Properties from the context menu. Then set composite for its aggregation kind in the Properties dialog.
How to Add References
To add a part to the SysML block, add an attribute first - click on the Add Attributes button in the context bar. Then set the type as another SysML block.
How to Add Flow Properties
To add a new flow property, click on the Add Flow Property button in the context bar below the selected SysML block. The new property will be added to the flow properties compartment and you can edit its name, parameters, and return type directly in the diagram editor.
How to Add Ports, Full Ports, and Proxy Ports
You can add ports to the SysML block by dragging the Port button from the toolbox and dropping it over the block. The toolbox in the SysML Block Definition Diagram offers tools for Port, Proxy Port, Full Port, and Flow Port.
Hide Unused Block Compartments
The SysML block contains many compartments. Their headers can occupy a lot of space in the diagram. That's why it is often desired to hide these empty compartments. You can do it for the whole diagram - use the ribbon menu - Diagram tab / Editing group / Show Element Parts / Empty Compartments.
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