Installation on multiple machines



Is it possible to install the software on multiple machines using the same license? I have a Windows laptop and a MacBook Pro with a Windows VM and I use these machines interchangeably (only one installation would be in use at at any time).

Thank you.

28 June 2024 16:20:27 Marius Chis

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Dusan Rodina - 28 June 2024 22:01:42



Thank you for your inquiry.

Yes, it is possible to install the software on multiple machines using the same license. Our licensing policy is per user, so as long as only one installation is in use at any given time, you can freely install the software on your Windows laptop and MacBook Pro with a Windows VM.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with the installation process, please feel free to reach out.

Marius Chis 4 July 2024 16:06:55

RE: - Installation on multiple machines

Thank you for the confirmation!