First, thank you very much for allowing us to use this great software. Excellent job guys!!
I was wondering if there is a way to import the data and relations from a schema or from a text based file to create the appropriate class diagram. As of now, i am copying and pacing the attribute into each class !! and it is a tedious process :)
Dusan Rodina -
28 October 2010 1:28:45
RE: Creating a class diagram from a schema
In the current version, the model can be imported only from database - MS SQL, assemblies - .NET Framework (menu Tools > Reverse Engineering) and XMI files (menu File > Import). Other sources for import will be added in further versions of SIM.
first of all: Great piece of software - very usable so far!
One little improvement request: Can you generate code for associations, aggregations and compositions.
Note: A very good implementation for such code generation (inclusive a very good comments section generation) is provided by FUJABA (I use 4.3.2, provided at (If you want I can provide you with a code sample here)
Dusan Rodina -
25 August 2010 1:06:04
RE: Name of the Namespace
thank you :)
Version 3.x has not defined namespaces for diagram elements, that's why source code generator generates classes in Default namespace. Version 4.0 will solve this problem.
denkir 6 August 2011 10:11:04
RE: RE: relationship
Dusan Rodina - 11 August 2011 14:13:18
RE: RE: RE: relationship
denkir 28 June 2011 6:39:37
Dusan Rodina - 28 June 2011 12:39:14
RE: #include
Vicki 24 May 2011 13:08:39
Dusan Rodina - 24 May 2011 14:05:01
Dusan Rodina - 13 June 2011 15:14:41
Puah Hock Leng 19 May 2011 20:17:39
Generate properties
Dusan Rodina - 21 May 2011 12:57:05
RE: Generate properties
Mostafa Karkache 26 October 2010 21:44:03
Creating a class diagram from a schema
Dusan Rodina - 28 October 2010 1:28:45
RE: Creating a class diagram from a schema
pop 15 October 2010 18:33:43
add associatiion class
Dusan Rodina - 15 October 2010 23:35:45
RE: add associatiion class
Stephan 27 September 2010 20:59:35
Code Generation for class relations
Stephan 28 September 2010 11:08:09
Addtional info for Code Generation for class relat
Dusan Rodina - 15 October 2010 23:22:42
RE: Addtional info for Code Generation for class r
Thank you 20 October 2010 11:52:02
RE: RE: Addtional info for Code Generation for cla
Rob G 23 August 2010 15:21:27
Name of the Namespace
Dusan Rodina - 25 August 2010 1:06:04
RE: Name of the Namespace
TheArchitect 12 July 2010 15:01:20
Code generation