Can't open SIMP file
I cannot open my my project after saving the file. I got the following message:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: 指定的索引鍵不在字典中。
於 System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
於 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
於 SoftwareIdeasModeler.ProjectXml.SimXmlReader.LoadModelElement(SimXmlReader reader, Project project, XElement xelement)
於 SoftwareIdeasModeler.ProjectXml.SimXmlReader.LoadElements(XElement root)
於 SoftwareIdeasModeler.ProjectXml.SimXmlReader.Load()
於 SoftwareIdeasModeler.ProjectHelper.LoadProject(String localFileName, Boolean showReadOnlyWarning, Boolean checkFileVersion, Boolean processCustomDiagrams)
於 SoftwareIdeasModeler.AppCore.OpenProjectFile(String fileName, Form splash)
May you please help to fix this issue? I am using the 64-bit Setup one, version 11.99. I've tried updated to the latest one (version 11.100), but the issue is not solved. I appreciate your help on solving the issue.
Dusan Rodina - 9 October 2019 14:36:26
Jeffrey 9 October 2019 14:55:25