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Reg Broekmann 28 February 2011 13:54:15


Hi DuĊĦan,

Thanks for the many improvements so far. Also, as I get better at using the software, things go much more smoothly!

I am still having a problem with the list of projects when opening the programme. It may be useful to either list them in the order they were last updated (newest to oldest) or possibly just have the date last used (rather than the whole path - which looks a bit messy).

Many thanks,

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 1 March 2011 0:27:37

RE: Dr


I thank you for your feedback - it is very useful for me. Requested improvements will be certainly done.

Reg Broekmann 11 January 2011 15:32:35


Very many thanks for your help thus far. I have a new problem when printing. It seems as if the text boxes for 'Actions' are not all WYSIWYG and although they display correctly on screen, they get cut off when printing (half of the top row and half of the bottom row). I can't find a way to correct this.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 11 January 2011 21:17:28

RE: Dr

You are welcome.

I will fix the mentioned problem as soon as possible. Meanwhile, you can select all problematic elements and use the command from menu Arrange > Size > Inflate.

Reg Broekmann 17 December 2010 9:39:15


I have noticed that the printing of flowcharts is not entirely WYSIWYG. Sometimes, even though the box in the diagram displays the full text, when printed, the text gets cut off top and bottom.

Reg Broekmann 13 December 2010 13:58:35


If it would be helpful to you, I can send you a copy of the chart I am trying to generate.

I would certainly value your advice!

This is an important health project in South Africa in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. We would be happy to formally acknowledge your input in our reports if your are willing to contribute some of your time.



Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 14 December 2010 1:10:40

RE: Dr

You can send me it to my e-mail (softwareideas @ softwareideas . net).

Reg Broekmann 13 December 2010 13:55:36


Comment: When I use 'copy and paste' the cursor jumps back to the top of the diagram. This means one has to scroll back to where one was each time. It is inconvenient. 'Paste' should leave you at the item you want to paste.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 14 December 2010 23:50:21

RE: Dr

Fixed in version 4.82.

Reg Broekmann 13 December 2010 13:02:53


I am working on a non-profit project and have made a donation for use of the software. It would be nice if the software acknowledged this by not bringing up the "Buy/Donate/Maybe later" screen.

Just for information: I hope to be interacting with a similar project in another province, but this is a commercial one. I will refer them to this software so they can purchase it. I think it is a very useful program. Many thanks.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 13 December 2010 13:19:20

RE: Dr

This screen will be not displayed in the next version.

Thank you for your support.

Reg Broekmann 13 December 2010 12:57:21


There is an icon for "Fork/Join". I am not sure how this works. What I would like to see is a forked arrow showing two (or more) possible directions from this point.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 14 December 2010 23:52:07

RE: Dr

Fork/Join creates only a bar - arrows must be added using Transition tool.

Reg Broekmann 1 December 2010 15:19:41


1. It would be nice if we could draw curved linkages.

2. Also useful would be to link the connectors to the tasks, so if they are shifted around, the links keep the defined relationships intact.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 1 December 2010 16:36:37

RE: Dr

Thanks for tips.

I'm not sure whether I correctly understand your second requirement. If you want to lock ends of relationships, you can do it from context menu (right mouse click on the line of relationship) - click on menu item Lock Start Point and/or Lock End Point.

If this is not the case you describe, please, give me some other details.

Reg Broekmann 13 December 2010 12:54:42


Hi, Many thanks for the feedback. It seems to me that the "lock start point" only refers to the line connecting a comment with an activity. What I would like to do it lock an arrow start and end point, so that if I move either the start or the end activity, the arrow remains connected to both.