24 March 2013 0:00:00

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Frank 1 September 2011 6:12:53

RE: timeline=lifeline


Sorry for the inconvenience

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 1 September 2011 6:20:37

RE: RE: timeline=lifeline


it is bug and will be fixed soon.

The workaround:

Move lifeline so, that it doesn't intersect with interaction use element. Then move interaction use element and then delete it. Ref element should be so deleted and lifeline preserved.

Frank 1 September 2011 9:08:38

RE: RE: RE: timeline=lifeline


denkir 7 July 2011 6:54:06


How can I add a hot link to a new SD when I bring in the Interaction Use block?

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 7 July 2011 13:26:35

RE: ref

Right-click on Interaction Use element and in the context menu click on Add New Diagram (and choose the Sequence diagram item) or Add Existing Diagram (and select an existing sequence diagram from the list).

denkir 5 July 2011 6:30:40


How can I add the guard condition to the Alt Fragment?

Thanks in advance.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 5 July 2011 6:43:55

RE: alt

1. Press 'Interaction Operand' button in toolbox and hold mouse button pressed

2. Drag over Alt fragment and release mouse button

3. Double click on inserted rectangle (interaction operand) - properties dialog will be shown

4. Switch to Interaction Operand tab

5. Type the guard condition in the text box

6. Confirm the dialog using OK button

John 4 July 2011 0:32:36


Drag&Drop does not seem to be working. I tried the Hotfix and it too did not work.

This is a great BTW.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 5 July 2011 6:50:47

RE: Drag&Drop

The hotfix allowed to change the start and end activation bar of sequence message (call, return, send). It is not possible to change the parent lifeline of activation bar. I agree, that it would be useful - I will add this option in the next release.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 10 July 2011 8:31:11

RE: RE: Drag&Drop

I released a new version (4.98), which supports moving activation bar to another lifeline.

Aleksey Gorkovenko 14 June 2011 7:08:39

Reroute calls

Hi! Is it possible to reroute call from one timeline to another?

Drag&drop does not works


Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 14 June 2011 23:18:50

RE: Reroute calls

Hi! I'm sorry, but it is not yet possible. I will add this possibility in the next release.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 27 June 2011 15:12:21

RE: RE: Reroute calls

Try this hot fix - it contains implementation of your request:


This fix will be part of version 4.98, which will be released within one or two weeks.