UML Base Class

UML diagrams support defining base classes for the more specific classes using generalizations. The name of the base class can be displayed inside the classifier box.

The UML diagrams allow you to model inheritance using the generalization relationships (the connector with the triangle arrowhead). The relationships points from a class to its super class (called also base class). The name of the base class can be displayed also in the class header. This is especially useful in larger models where the subclasses can be present on other diagrams with omitted generalizations to superclasses.

To display the name of the base class (or base classes) in the class header, right-click on the class and choose Super Element Names from the Show Parts submenu.

Show UML base class name
Show UML base class name

You can display the superclass names for all classes in the diagram using the Show Element Parts button in the ribbon / Diagram tab / Editing group.

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