Bug Reports Archive (2009-2012)

Software Ideas Modeler

Bugs found in Software Ideas Modeler please report here.

23 September 2009 23:19:38

Stu 14 July 2010 10:26:02

Copy and paste in UI diagram broken

When I paste I get an object reference not set to an instance of an object exception. Other diagram types seem similar

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 14 July 2010 10:49:58

RE: Copy and paste in UI diagram broken

Fixed version will be available in 12 hours. Sorry for this bug.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 14 July 2010 22:43:24

RE: RE: Copy and paste in UI diagram broken

Fixed in version 3.38.

Dani 13 July 2010 9:08:46

Aplication crash when submenu "Add Diagram" menus.

Platform tested: Linux.

Mono versions: Mono JIT compiler version 2.6.3 (Debian 2.6.3-2 ~ dhx1) / Mono JIT compiler version 2.4.4 (Debian 2.4.4-1ubuntu4 ~ svn151842).

Problem: When deploying the submenu "Add Diagram" from option "Project", the program crash and closes.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 13 July 2010 21:57:37

RE: Aplication crash when submenu "Add Diagram" me

Fixed in version 3.37.

Dani 14 July 2010 8:55:04

RE: RE: Aplication crash when submenu "Add Diagram

Thank you very much!

Dani 14 July 2010 9:07:08

RE: RE: RE: Aplication crash when submenu "Add Dia

I just download the new version. I again repeat the action that caused the crash of the application and error persists.

When I go to: Project-> Add diagram, the menu tries to pop up but it does not and the program crash.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 14 July 2010 22:53:57

RE: RE: RE: RE: Aplication crash when submenu "Add

It seemed to be OK, when I tested it on Mono 2.4/Ubuntu. This looks like a bug in Mono.

Eiver 15 July 2010 20:45:33

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Aplication crash when submenu

This might be very well the case. Mono is getting better and better, but it still is buggy. I also have applications, which run great on Windows/.NET, but fail on Linux/Mono. Debugging applications on Linux with MonoDevelop is also not as easy as it is with Visual Studio on Windows...

If you are able to reproduce the bug in Mono using a small peace of code, you can send the bug report to them and it will be fixed. I did that with my application and they fixed it in 15 mins. Mono IRC channel is a good place to get in touch with Mono devs.

P.S. Great job! Keep it up!

P.S.2 Is it normal that the *.simp file has tons of null or '\0' bytes at the end after </sim-project>?

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 15 July 2010 23:32:35

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Aplication crash when subm

Thank you for info.

Problem with null bytes at the end will be fixed in one of future versions (certainly in 4.0).

Eiver 13 July 2010 20:37:41

RE: Aplication crash when submenu "Add Diagram" me

I confirm this bug. All works great on Windows but crashes on Linux.

More info here: http://pastebin.com/dV4171NS

From what I have seen so far it is already a great tool and it has the potential of becoming even better.


- Its C# and I love C#

- Its fast (much faster than other Java crap)

- You put a lot of effort to make the diagrams nice looking (not just rectangles, but shadows, gradient colors, etc.)


- You probably noticed that GDI is not the best thing, when it comes to drawing and moving around large objects


- Release the code as open source (the code itself is visible anyway in .NET Reflector)

- Start a bigger forum (phpbb, smf, etc.)

- Start a bigger bug tracking system (Bugzilla, etc.)

- Use other people to help you with things listed above (I am willing to help if you are interested)

Best wishes,


eiver at eiver dot net

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 13 July 2010 22:03:57

RE: RE: Aplication crash when submenu "Add Diagram

Thank you for the suggestions, I will think of them.

Dani 13 July 2010 21:23:44

RE: RE: Aplication crash when submenu "Add Diagram

It might be helpful to release the code. I love this tool and I think could be improved much more among them. In addition also could help in the translation of more languages (Spanish, for example). I hope the bug is fixed.

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 13 July 2010 22:08:24

RE: RE: RE: Aplication crash when submenu "Add Dia

New translations are welcome. Just send the translated XML file ({SIMPath}\Data\Languages\en.xml).

Björn 12 July 2010 10:49:15

Copy and paste problems

Hi. First I must join in to say really good work with the program!

I've got two reports about trouble with copy and past, both for UI diagrams (v 3.35, WinXP sp3).

1. If grouping a rectangle and a text and try to copy and past this object I get a SerializationException, Type SoftwareIdeasModeler.Commands.Mementos.LocationSizeMomento has not been decleared as serializable

2. If having several UI diagrams and trying to copy a window with some buttons and comments from one diagram to the other I run in to the following exception when trying to save the project:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

vid SoftwareIdeasModeler.ProjectXml.SimXmlWriter.Save(String fileName)

vid SoftwareIdeasModeler.MainForm.SaveToFile(String filename)

vid SoftwareIdeasModeler.MainForm.SaveFile()

vid SoftwareIdeasModeler.MainForm.saveToolStripMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

vid System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)

vid System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)

vid System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)

vid System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEventInteractive(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)

vid System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEvent(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)

vid System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.ProcessCmdKey(Message& m, Keys keyData)

vid System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripManager.ProcessShortcut(Message& m, Keys shortcut)

vid System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripManager.ProcessCmdKey(Message& m, Keys keyData)

vid System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.ProcessCmdKey(Message& msg, Keys keyData)

vid System.Windows.Forms.Form.ProcessCmdKey(Message& msg, Keys keyData)

vid System.Windows.Forms.Control.ProcessCmdKey(Message& msg, Keys keyData)

vid System.Windows.Forms.Control.ProcessCmdKey(Message& msg, Keys keyData)

vid System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.ProcessCmdKey(Message& msg, Keys keyData)

vid System.Windows.Forms.Form.ProcessCmdKey(Message& msg, Keys keyData)

vid System.Windows.Forms.Control.ProcessCmdKey(Message& msg, Keys keyData)

vid System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.ProcessCmdKey(Message& msg, Keys keyData)

vid SoftwareIdeasModeler.SimDiagramControl.ProcessCmdKey(Message& msg, Keys keyData)

vid System.Windows.Forms.Control.PreProcessMessage(Message& msg)

vid System.Windows.Forms.Control.PreProcessControlMessageInternal(Control target, Message& msg)

vid System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.PreTranslateMessage(MSG& msg)



Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 12 July 2010 22:56:24

RE: Copy and paste problems


thank you for nice words and for reporting these problems. You can download version 3.36 which fixes them.

TeeAda 12 July 2010 9:57:19

Error Memory when use copy & paste several times


I've found problems when using copy and paste object several times, each time when using the copy Ctrl+ C and Ctrl+ V

program will hang for 1 minute as every time (if drag from template are normal)And the last show error message about memory.

"Object cannot be serialized.System.OutOfMemoryException:Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException:Exception' was thrown.

TeeAda 12 July 2010 9:59:49

RE: Error Memory when use copy & paste several tim

FYI,I use SIM 3.35

Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 12 July 2010 20:29:40

RE: RE: Error Memory when use copy & paste several

I could not reproduce the problem.

1. What operating system do you use?

2. Approximately how many times do you repeat CTRL+C, CTRL+V before the problem occurs?

3. Approximately how many objects do you copy and paste?

TeeAda 13 July 2010 5:57:29

RE: RE: RE: Error Memory when use copy & paste sev

I use WinXP SP3.

I'm not sure the number of times. But I working for about 5 hours with mix diagram

if object used then i will use Ctrl +C and Ctrl+ V (about 1 or 2 Object).

Today I tested. Again to inform but not found problem

I think that may be caused by working too long. And I will try to collect information and inform you once again.

finally,I may have forgotten to tell you that your program is a very great tool.