Bugs found in Software Ideas Modeler please report here.
23 September 2009 23:19:38
Stuart Masters
1 February 2010 8:59:44
Editing Class Attributes and operations
From ditectly without opening the properties page:
Only about the first 23 characters are displayed for editing
From within the properties page:
Selecting part of an operation name and selecting RightMouseClick Copy then paste into another field pastes the entire record rather than the selected text
If a function and its parameters are longer than the parameters are longer than 23 characters then the remainder is pushed into the type field and the original type filed is overwritten
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net
2 February 2010 2:03:53
RE: Editing Class Attributes and operations
In fact, the problem is not the number of characters, but the name of class, which cannot contain the colon symbol. Currently I work on new version that should solve also this issue. The new version will have the full and real support of operation parameters. I expect that this version should be completed during next week.
Just to clarify, the problem was not with the name of the clas, but with the names of attributes and operations within the class. These can initially be made as long as you like but as soon as you click on the class again they are truncated to 23 chars with about 12 of the chars being transferred to the "Type" field and the rest thrown away.
i tried to install this tool but ist doesn't work. I get a "installation stopped working -> send to microsoft" event. Can anybody help me with this. Are there any prerequisite i have to care of before installation.
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net
30 January 2010 12:31:10
RE: Installation doesn't work
probably you haven't installed .NET Framework 3.5. You can download it here: http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/0/3/703455ee-a747-4cc8-bd3e-98a615c3aedb/dotNetFx35setup.exe
Software Ideas Modeler does not require any installation (except for installation of .NET Framework in older versions of Windows). Just unzip the file and run the SoftwareIdeasModeler.exe.
When deleting a model from the project a Invalid Cast Exception is thrown in Version 2.0.3625.28206
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'SoftwareIdeasModeler.MdiChildrenForms.StartForm' to type 'SoftwareIdeasModeler.MdiChildrenForms.EditorForm'.
at SoftwareIdeasModeler.MainForm.CloseWindowWithModel(Model model)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
Stuart Masters 1 February 2010 8:59:44
Editing Class Attributes and operations
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 2 February 2010 2:03:53
RE: Editing Class Attributes and operations
Stuart Masters 2 February 2010 4:13:35
RE: Editing Class Attributes and operations
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 2 February 2010 9:48:35
RE: RE: Editing Class Attributes and operations
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 15 February 2010 20:45:46
RE: RE: RE: Editing Class Attributes and operation
Frank 30 January 2010 8:44:07
Installation doesn't work
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 30 January 2010 12:31:10
RE: Installation doesn't work
Stuart Masters 28 January 2010 4:23:14
System Architect
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 28 January 2010 10:47:00
RE: System Architect
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 28 January 2010 20:45:19
RE: RE: System Architect
Zidjian 17 December 2009 18:01:28
Deleting a Model
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 19 December 2009 15:49:01
RE: Deleting a Model
Zidjian 18 December 2009 0:00:20
RE: Deleting a Model
Zidjian 16 December 2009 19:54:39
Export to PDF...
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 19 December 2009 15:49:20
RE: Export to PDF...
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 16 December 2009 21:40:05
RE: Export to PDF...
Excirial 12 December 2009 23:39:09
Serialisation Error on copying Drawing.Text Elemen
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 19 December 2009 15:49:56
RE: Serialisation Error on copying Drawing.Text El
Excirial 13 December 2009 0:19:10
RE: Serialisation Error on copying Drawing.Text El
Dusan Rodina - softwareideas.net 13 December 2009 11:05:30
RE: RE: Serialisation Error on copying Drawing.Tex