There are almost the same flickering problems due to bad z-order handling (at least in class diagrams) with version 4 than with version 3 => create two packages, add classes within these packages add connexions between classes. If you copy-paste everything into another class diagram, everything is messed up. Z-order is not the same, when you move your mouse over packages they disappear, then reappear....
Dusan Rodina -
15 October 2010 1:21:58
RE: Can't save SIM 3 project with SIM 4
I can't reproduce this error. But in version 4.10 should be displayed more detailed error message. If you can create a file which causes this error, you can send me it for analysis, too.
Create new project, add two classes, one of stereotype Interface. In fist class add an interface ( Interface1 ). Select Generate c#. Used to get a source code with Class1:Interface1{...
I tried with version 4.04. Create new project, class diagram, create Class1, click on Add Interface below Class1 to get the association and Interface1 ball. Generate code ( C#) produces class1 and Interface1 clases but not the fact that class1 implements Interface1, that is to say ...:Interface1. Is'n that supposed to be there ?
Dusan Rodina -
13 October 2010 0:08:40
RE: RE: RE: Interface not in code generation
Ball notation interfaces aren't currently correctly included in the code generation. This will be changed in the next version (4.10) which should be released this week.
EDIT: Version 4.10 with the desired functionality was released.
It's been so long since I last print the diagram, but it seems in version 4.03 class diagram printing always want to fit the diagram in one page. Even when I choose 2 or more pages in print preview window.
v4.01 & 4.02 Operation Parameter Types Not Stickin
In v4.01 and v4.02, on the class diagram, if I put a custom type for an operation's parameter it does not seem to stick or show on the operation. Neither editing using the "Edit" parameter function nor entering directly in the parameter text in the class' properties works. This was fine in v4.00.
Dusan Rodina - 15 October 2010 1:29:07
RE: Removing Fields and Methods at Class
olivier 14 October 2010 17:50:59
z-order issues
Dusan Rodina - 15 October 2010 1:25:48
RE: z-order issues
olivier 14 October 2010 15:59:25
Can't save SIM 3 project with SIM 4
Dusan Rodina - 15 October 2010 1:21:58
RE: Can't save SIM 3 project with SIM 4
olivier 14 October 2010 11:02:24
Comments Z-order
Dusan Rodina - 15 October 2010 1:24:57
RE: Comments Z-order
olivier 15 October 2010 11:21:38
RE: RE: Comments Z-order
Lasse 11 October 2010 8:39:34
Interface not in code generation
Dusan Rodina - 11 October 2010 23:55:31
RE: Interface not in code generation
Implemets still not there 12 October 2010 8:20:21
RE: RE: Interface not in code generation
Dusan Rodina - 13 October 2010 0:08:40
RE: RE: RE: Interface not in code generation
Julot 11 October 2010 6:53:39
Dusan Rodina - 11 October 2010 8:21:53
RE: Changes?
Julot 12 October 2010 10:20:24
RE: RE: Changes?
Dusan Rodina - 26 October 2010 2:47:35
RE: RE: RE: Changes?
Chris Knowles 8 October 2010 18:29:45
v4.01 & 4.02 Operation Parameter Types Not Stickin
Dusan Rodina - 9 October 2010 1:17:32
RE: v4.01 & 4.02 Operation Parameter Types Not Sti
Sergey 7 October 2010 13:47:33
Entity relationship diagram crash
Sergey 7 October 2010 13:49:12
RE: Entity relationship diagram crash