Software Ideas Modeler News - Software Modeling and Diagramming Tool

Improved Parsing and Other Fixes in Version 7.62

The new version brings a dozen of enhancements, mostly fixed bugs.

Version 7.61

This version fixes found bugs.

Version 7.60 with Single Click Editing, Improved Documentation

The new version includes 25 new features and improvements and fixes found bugs.

Better Snap Lines, Visual Aid for End Point Locking and Much More in 7.50

Version 7.50 enhances stability, improves toolbox, relationship locking and much more. There is overall more than 50 improvements and fixes.

Version 7.46 - Hotfix

Version 7.46 is a hotfix of two annoying bugs.

Improved states and much more in version 7.45

Version 7.45 brings 11 improvements and fixes 12 bugs.

Useful improvements in version 7.40

Innovation continues with the new version 7.40. It brings more than dozen improvements. You can copy elements faster. Now it is possible to replace the model of an element in a diagram using the new tool.

Version 7.31 - new template language commands

Version 7.31 fixes reported bugs and adds few improvements in source code generation and template language.

Better Use Cases and Work with Model

Version 7.30 improves use cases and enhances handling with shared elements.

Access object properties from context menu in project tree

Version 7.21 fixes found bugs and adds small improvements.

Diagrams can be created even faster with version 7.20

Version 7.20 includes new interesting features and improvements, which allows you to create diagrams even faster and easier.

Duplicate diagrams, convert elements and manage filters with 7.10

Version 7.10 is a new feature version of Software Ideas Modeler. It allows you to duplicate diagrams, convert elements and manage filters. There are also other improvements and bug fixes.

Version 7.01

Version 7.01 fixes reported bugs in version 7.

Seventh Major Version of Software Ideas Modeler

Software Ideas Modeler made another big step to better fulfill your requirements and enlarge the community of satisfied users. The seventh major version brings more than 100 new features and improvements.

Version 6.86

New version brings small improvements and enhances the overall stability.

Reorder diagrams in Model Overview and adjust content for documentation

Version 6.85 gives you a better control over documentation generation and allows you to adjust the order of diagrams in Model Overview window. Overall there is more than 10 new features and improvements and 6 fixed bugs.

Rounded rectangles and colors in documentation

Version 6.80 allows to draw custom rounded rectangles and change colors of text and background in documentation editor. Also several found bug were fixed.

Version 6.75 with field ordering

New version 6.75 allows to order attributes and operations by name, type and visibility and stereotypes by name. It also fixes found and reported bugs.

Diagram settings for showing parts and drawing stars

Version 6.70 offers many interesting improvements. Now you can draw configurable stars and easily set which parts of elements should be displayed for the whole diagram. Also few bugs were fixed.

External resources and improved interfaces

Version 6.60 improves interfaces, fast editor, adds support for external resources and many other improvements and fixes.